Tuesday 29 March 2016

OUTFIT: bloopers / outtakes!

[en] every fashion blogger is familiar with the necessity of outfit photos. it doesn't matter how they are been produced. you can create them for yourself with your own cam, a tripod and self-timer, but also friends and family and professional photographers can do the job. of course you always want to present yourself in your best light, pose profitably, laugh likeably and present yourself in the most attracting way. but everybody knows that there is also the obligatory consequence which is implied in every outfit shooting : the outtake. thereby the mentioned outtake is no lone wolf, but a particularly social animal and likes to appear in swarms. every shooting will produce the bunch of pictures necessary for filling up an outfit post, because that is what it is ultimately all about. maybe you'll also have one or two perfect shots. but the large rest will again and again fall in the category 'outtake'.

so what is the make up of an outtake photo?

the photograph is already taking pictures while you're still about to find the perfect leg position, which now appear like knock trees. you don't know that he is still taking pictures while you're in thought and your facial expression could clinch the title 'most dopey person of the year'. your hair is a mess. a terrible wind is blowing and your hair has the irresistible urge to pick your nose. in the very moment the photographer is taking a picture you are closing your eyes and it looks like you're stoned. your posing (and the position of the photographer) makes you look like corpulent walrus although your actual size is XS and you usually rank among the genus fly-flyweight. the lighting conditions create shadows and furrows on your face which make you look like you've not been having sleep for the last 3 days and had a party the day before … and you really should have skipped the last 0,5l of pure ethanol!

well i always love to browse through my latest shooting results and thereby separate the wheat from the chaff. in todays post the outtake gets the position of the wheat. deep dark circles under your eyes, questionable hand positions and the temporary occuring double chin are so very amusing and sweeten your day much more than the perfect shots which find their way into the final outft posts. you're not always perfect or look super attractive from any angle and position. but that's only human. to admit that is healthy and is a safe indication of self-consciousness and ego.
you do not have to take everything seriously and should also see the apparently bad picture in a humoristic way. then you'll have twice the fun!
and a pinch of irony really is no injury ;)

during 4 years of blogging and more than 3 years of modelling a broad arsenal of outtakes has been accumulated. today i want to show you a nice sortiment of said photos. you'll be witness of a concentrated charge of beauty which you should pay homage to. haha!

what do you think of outtake photos – of others as well as of your own?

Monday 7 March 2016

SHOOTING: mondays are for fresh starts.

[en] hi peeps! after travelling impressions out of amsterdam with great weather and the presentation of a beautiful spring time collection by dolce & gabbana here's an all white spring outfit from my latest shooting in baden-baden with le boy. we chose the hill directly opposite our balcony. it has been one of the first spring-like days with clement temperatures, budding flowers and a clear blue sky. you have already seen some impressions of this day in one of my former posts.

the weather was simply predestined for an outfit shooting. the outfit itself was literally thrown together in the morning because we needed to quickly run some errands. the most essential factor was the purchase of petit fours and a piece of heavenly tasty chocolate cake, of which i have had a ravenous appetite for the previous days. we indulged in the cake after the shooting, alongside with kusmi tea which my dear friend a. gifted me with and with whom i also travelled to amsterdam.

i chose the post title because i simply do not understand the vehemently defended antipathy towards mondays. okay, maybe it is the general dissatisfaction of most fellow citizens with the life path they have chosen. but i'm looking forward to most mondays, maybe also because i love my work and i love to do it. mondays are fresh starts into new weeks with many different and interesting challenges which i am looking forward to. an all white outfit matches this attitude.

how about you? do you like mondays or do you rank among the general group of monday grouches?