Saturday 4 March 2017

SHOOTING & GIVEAWAY: let's celebrate STRANGENESS AND CHARMS' 5th blog anniversary!

[en] hi peeps! today is a very special day for me. it marks the 5th anniversary of strangeness and charms and that definitely calls for a celebration!

strangeness and charms was initiated on the 4th of march 2012 with the thought to let the world have an insight into my views of all the things having a core importance in my life: fashion as an artform, culture and capturing beauty in a photographic way.

i will never regret the decision to initiate strangeness and charms, because it had a great impact on me (and my not so confident self), because it has become a very great part of my daily life and because it gave me the possibility to inspire people and to get inspired in return, to work with amazing brands and designers, to meet many amazing people and to build up friendships with people i might not have met otherwise (love you, chrissi, daij, héloise_lilyce, olesyaann-cathérine & so many others ).

i want to thank you, my dear readers, for your loyality and your support through the years. you have helped me to make strangeness and charms what it is today - an amazing community of people who all share the same passion: the love for beauty in all its various forms.

today i want to share a special outfit with you which we have shot in the venerable ruins of the old castle in baden-baden. it was one of the first warm days of this still quite new year and i was wearing my new pink midi dress from & other stories and my favourite short velvet blazer from H&M trend - both bought on the second hand shopping platform - and of course my favourite vintage pearl earrings from CHANEL. two chanel presents will also await you in my special 5th anniversary giveaway that i have prepared for you. 
my outfit was accompanied by 15 round golden balloons and one big one in the shape of the number five. 
it was such a fun shot and i hope that you enjoy the photos!

so now let's come to the special giveaway i have prepared as a thank you for you, my dear readers and for this festive occasion!

you have the possibility to win one of 5 fabulous prices:
  1. an authentic JORD wood watch model frankie with dark sandalwood and an emerald clock-face (worth $189 USD)
  2. a pair of handcrafted and gilded Amandine amethyst earrings from my online store Tamako Design
  3. CHANEL lipstick Rouge Allure in 257 ultrarose
  4. the coffee table book CHANEL collections and creations by danièle bott
  5. the LITTLE BLACK BOOK by sofie valkiers

and here's how to participate:

since i regard this giveaway as a special thank you for my followers, please do only participate if you're a follower of my blog on at least one of my social media channels.
the more channels you're following me with, the more chances you will have to win! each channel will grant you one ticket, thus you will have the possibility to earn up to 10 tickets!

you can follow via:

please comment below this blogpost with your e-mail address and all the member names on the social media channels you're following with.

there will be five winners. each winner will win one of the prices mentioned above. this giveaway will be open until the 18th of march 2017, CET 23:59. participants taking part afterwards cannot be taken into account anymore. the winners will be announced 5 days after the giveaway has ended.

this giveaway is open worldwide so don't hesitate to try your luck!

thank you for your loyality and your support - and here's to the next 5 years to come! there is already much planned for this year (and the next years, too) so stay tuned!

lots of love
              ♡ dahi