Tuesday 11 September 2012

MyParfum.de - create your own parfum!

today i want to introduce you to a wonderful onlineshop where you can design your very own perfume of your dreams. the site is called MyParfum.de

the homepage offers a very neat and elegant layout. the navigation is easy.

you can choose to design your own perfume or let it be designed through a personality test.

i chose to design my very own perfume. i think i know my personality quite well and i also know which fragrances i prefer.

first i had to chose if i'm a man or a woman. well, very difficult, huh? XD

the next point was a little more difficult. do i prefer a feminine or sensual frangrance? i chose feminine.

then i needed to choose the fragrance tendency - oriental, fruity, powdery and so on. i chose oriental.

now i needed to choose the single notes. i chose white musk, neroli, vanilla, mandarine, santal and warm spices.

then i had to choose my flacon.

... and then the design and name.

et voilà! strangeness and charms, original fragrance, out now! :)

MyParfum.de ships internationally, too! but at the moment the homepage is only available in german.

but i still think this is a very lovely idea - and my blog gets it's own perfume in some days. i'm curious about it :D and of course i will tell you in another post about my experiences with it.

in my next post about myparfum and my very own flacon you'll get the chance to win a 40€ voucher to create your own perfume. this giveaway will only be available for my facebook fans.

stay anxious :)


  1. Find die Idee super... nur 60 euro sind mir definitiv zu viel für 50ml :(

    Liebe Grüße,

  2. When it arrives, I'll hope you will tell us how the smell of it really is. I mean, if it smells like "THIS UNIQUE PERFUME I'VE EVER LOOKED FOR" ;)

    And I decided to comment in english. Everytime I write something in german I feel a little bit stupid, I don't know why ;)

    What I want to tell you next is, that I miss to answer your e-Mails. Really. It's funny in a way because you have not answer my e-mail. But I have so many questions and topics I want to talk about with you.

    Yesterday morning, I found myself opening may mailing-program, hoping for some news of you.


  3. Das ist ja toll! Aber wohl ziemlich teuer, oder?

  4. ist das wirklich gut? im tv haben sie mal mehrere seiten getestet, alle unzufriedenstellend (allergie, doofer duft,...) nur eine seit war ok, wo man den duft wnen er einenm nicht gefällt zurückschicken kontne und neu kreieren konnte

  5. ich finds auch zu teuer - zumal ich gar nicht weiß ob ich was leckeres zusammenmisch

  6. Ich habe es auch schon gemacht, aber nur weil ich einen Gutschein gewonnen hatte. Und zum Glück ist da was Gutes dabei herausgekommen. Ansonsten wäre mir das auch zu teuer, aber man kann es ja auch eigentlich wieder zurückschicken.
    Liebe Grüße:)

  7. Cool ists schon, :).. aber wirklich recht teuer,vor allem wenn man pech hat stinkts dann am Ende nur total :D

    Liebe Grüße,


  8. I always appreciate a great article or piece of writing. Thanks for the contribution.


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.