Sunday 4 March 2012

there's much more to life than what you see.


hi dears!

after a long time i have decided to line up in a visibly wide range of bloggers from around the world. i thought about it quite early but i simply never found the time and space to start.
actually i've always wished for a day with 24h multipled by 2 - it always seems that you have much more to do with much less time available ... XD

let's see how it works!

about me:
i'm a 24 old student from germany - very much into fashion, music and arts. due to my studying (i study philosophy and english studies) and interests which have been framed in the past i'm very potty about books. i could read all day ... but well, there's again the problem with time.
oh and i love eating.

i absolutely adore chanel, black green and red (you might be able to spot that in my future posts), berets, and clothes with lace - loads of lace ...
i love klimt, mondrian (dresses), kitsch, shabby chic and bric-a-brac, retro stuff and polka dots and oh i love crazy sunglasses ... i'm collecting them. i also like cocktail parties (while drinking loads of sex on the beach and pina colada) and mary janes and cowboyboots in crazy colours (i have a pair in bilious green with paisley-patterns). well and i'm so into big fat rings and jewellery with loads of pearls and ribbons.
i must admit i'm kinda girly sometimes ... but who is not?

i hope you will enjoy my scribble.

xoxo, dahi.


dress: beijing exclusive.



Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.