Monday 26 March 2012

secret reversers.

this is what makes me happy:

-florence + the machine / beirut / tori amos
-prettily decorated note books, calendars, photo albums
-to be in front of the camera or behind
-eclaires / latte macchiato with caramel syrup / chai
-playing chopin / satie on the piano
-the night ...
-spraying perfume in the hair and scarf in the morning
-to stand in line in the supermarket with a box of chocolate and chowing them in the train, while the people are staring
-creating sims and letting them die quickly afterwards
-coffeeshops, coffee and such stuff
-to hug and kiss somebody you really love
-buying chips and beer in a french supermarket with riff-raff money
-dancing on in the middle of the streat and singing if it overcomes you
-laughing so hard you cry because you love the german version of lamas with hats so much
-to mix up foreign words with vernacular language
-eating in general / talking about food
-lying cuddly in your own bed and falling asleep
-getting to know a city on the basis of museums, coffeeshops and a walk near the river
-exploring parks at night, hand in hand with the person you love
-my chanel-earrings
-amélie / eagle vs. shark / moulin rouge
-cuddly dolphins
-getting a surprise present of a good friend of yours when you expect it the least
-the same reversed
-the last golden rays of light after a good day
-grinning in the full train because the part of the book you're reading at the moment is so perfectly described and don't give a damn about the people who cannot cope with the situation and who sit in front of you
-writing a really good short story, printing it out, reading it by yourself, smiling, and then putting it in your wallet to always carry it with you afterwards
-clothes that are light, but keep you warm
-tube scarfs in red and nude
-to be told 'i love you' in korean
-croc (ankle-)boots
-a kiss on your forehead
-coffee with milk and a good book in the 'barock' in landau
-spontaneously visiting the luisenpark
-dressing up and feeling well while laughing and going right through the city with a good friend of yours
-having a pleasant conversation with friends
-going to the cinema after months of abstinence and watching a movie you wanted to watch for a long time and which still is still running
-the red light of my blackberry ... :)
-making travelling plans, and which are to be realised in the near future
-what-i-still-WANT-to-do-lists for the next years and realising them by and by
-walking along the beach and recognizing your own footprints in the sand
-knowing (and having confirmed) that you're pretty
-deja vu experiences at foreign places ...
-thinking of the house you will be living in one day
-realizing, that there are secret talents in you, or rediscovering old ones
-to strike a really high note in a song, though you always thought you'd never succeed in that
-smiling at somebody and getting a smile back
-to be able to live in the present and to know that your future will be as perfect as it is now ...

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