Saturday 13 October 2012

impressions: vernissage of my mum, 11th of october 2012


... what an amazing opening! the vernissage with paintings of my mum was on this thursday (11th of october 2012) and it was a real success. many many people came - friends and relatives and many people interested in the fine arts. we had a full house.

i already presented you my outfit for the vernissage. i gave it a slightly different touch - now without my hair pinned-up but loose (i liked it that day), and with my beret on - fits the bill for an art event, huh? ;) ... but the rest stayed quite the way i planned it. on top i wore a black a-line coat, i hope you can see it on this stylish window photography i took by myself. 
... sorry, i needed to do this - this is a fashion blog, and i AM fashion XD

my mum looked really great, didn't she? :)

our reverend from the korean church in mannheim held a speech and also a good friend of my mum. i played the piano (among others my selfcomposed piano piece 'elegy no.1' and my interpretation of tori amos' wonderful song 'carry' which you can also find on youtube) and four of our churchmembers from the korean church choir sang a little repertoire. a tenor sang the famous aria 'your's is my heart alone' from franz lehárs operetta 'the land of smiles'.

editors of two big newspapers (rheinpfalz and kyopo shinmun) were present, wonderful photographers (itechkast and david stephen williams - thank you for all the wonderful photographies!)

the editor of the rheinpfalz wrote a wonderful news article which really touched my heart - actually she is really judicial, but my mum must have impressed her. this article is written with all her heart. i nearly cried when i read it. you can find it below.

the rheinpfalz article.

the frankenthal city hall where the vernissage took place.

classy window shoot.

flyer for the art exhibition.

our reverend and my mum.

me playing the piano.


our church choir members.

me and my brother.

the canvas she is pointing at is a portrait of me.

dress: H&M
earrings: ASOS
bracelet & ring: ebay
necklace: vintage
beret: bought at galeria kaufhof
shoes: deichmann

pictures taken by itechkast, david stephen williams and me.

i hope you enjoyed the photos :)


  1. Sehr cool!

  2. Schöne Aufnahmen und tolle Haare hat das Mädel am Keyboard! :)

    Schau doch mal bei mir vorbei<3

    Liebste Grüße,Julia von

  3. Wow, deine Mutter malt wirklich sehr gut. Mir gefallen die Farben total.


  4. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Toll, dass die Ausstellung so ein grosser Erfolg war und die Kritik ist wirklich gut! Das Beret ist für einen Künstlerevent wirklich perfekt ;-)

  5. Gratuliere! Was, du kannst Klavier spielen und komponierst sogar? Das ist cool!
    Und du hast super ausgesehen! Toller Schmuck :-)


  6. Tolle Fotos!
    & du bist wirklich wahnsinnig hübsch :)

    Liebe Grüße

  7. Das H&M Kleid ist wundervoll! Steht dir sehr. :)

  8. Echt toll und süßes Kleid!

  9. das sind echt tolle Fotos/Eindrücke!

    Ich würde auch gerne mal zu soetwas gehen :)

  10. Hört sich nach einen echten Erfolg an ;)
    Wirklich schön...

  11. wow heftig, die bilder gefallen mir total!! deine mutter ist genail! :D

  12. schön! Mein Vater ist der Maler. Daher weiß ich, wie aufregend das Ganze ist :)))) Wünsche deiner Mutter viel Erfolg!


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.