Saturday 13 April 2013

IMPRESSIONS: spring in my heart ♥

on easter monday i visited my father and we baked tarte flambé together. the weather was nice and the flat was full of fragrant flowers, especially tulips, the real lulus of spring!

the tarte flambé was really nice. it wasn't the first time that i baked it, rather the 4th of 5th time. if you want to i could translate the receipt and put it online - idea ?! :)

... don't forget to participate in the 'best of the blogs' campaign!

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  1. Yummy post! ;) What do you think about following each on bloglovin' and GFC? Let me know! :)) xx

    1. Hey again! :) I followed on both GFC and bloglovin'. :) Now waiting for you to follow back! :)

  2. hi hi, also ich freue mich immer über bereits erprobte und für gut befundene Rezepte!
    Immer gerne her damit :-)
    lg, Naddel

  3. schöne bilder, vor allem die tulpen-bilder :)

    LG Mona

  4. die tulpen sehen so schön nach frühling aus! :)


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.