Thursday 16 January 2014

7 outfit inspirations to wear as a wedding guest - house of fraser AW 13/14

since my mum will marry this saturday and i'm quite in a dither because i will play the wedding march at the beginning, and i'm also very delighted for her. thus appropriate to the occasion today i want to show you some outfits which are in my opinion recommendable for a wedding. you'll look absolutely gorgeous in those outfits! and who says you cannot wear black for a wedding? just think about gothic weddings? and what about black best known as the most elegant of all colours? ;) 

in my opinion weddings are the perfect occasion to strike with your great sense of fashion and style and to stand out of the crowd.

i created every outfit with the beautiful selection of apparel from the UK based onlineshop 'house of fraser' and their collection for AW 13/14. 

i hope you like them! 
which one would be your favourite?

don't forget to participate in the best of the blogs campaign for february 14!


  1. I am in love with that clutch in the first picture! gold and sparkles? yes, please!


  2. I like the blue dress with the white print... ;-)

  3. Lovely items!!! Especially the MK bag.


  4. hi du,
    also ich finde das Schwarze auf Anhieb super und dachte gleich "yay! Das passt zu Dahi!"
    (ich würde es auch tragen wollen, passt aber nicht zu meinem body *lol)

    Übrigens war schwarz früher typisch für Hochzeiten. Absolut! Das "gute Sonntagsoutfit" war
    auch in schwarz/dunkel. Ich bin mir nicht sicher -glaube aber- das hat was mit den Waschmöglichkeiten
    zu tun gehabt. Weisses sah halt eher schmutzig aus.
    Wie auch immer. Weiß ist geschichtlich gesehen noch gar nicht lange die typische Hochzeitsfarbe ;-)

    LG Naddel ♣


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.