Saturday 16 June 2012

food love: bubble tea at mc café.

yesterday i went to the mc café to finally try the newly launched bubble tea. it is now available in whole germany. i've heard very diverse comments about people who already got the chance to try bubble tea. 

there are bubble tea vouchers available now at - you can get your bubble tea for 1,99€ each.
click here.

i must say that i've first tried it in a 'genuine' bubble tea store in mannheim, named 'star freshery'. but the tea was quite watery and - there is also the fact that they had no bobas on that very day. so it was kinda disappointing.

then i tried to make bubble tea at home with my boyfriend and eventually it really tasted good!

so i had some former experience which i could cling to while trying the beverage at mc café yesterday.

we had a full house - maybe also because there's another mc donalds voucher campaign at the moment, so i think they did the proper thing to start it.

... and i must say: i'm quite impressed!
i tried the white milk tea + peach flavour + lychee bobas - actually i wanted to try black milk tea but the waitress said that it would taste quite sour so i sticked to the white one.
my boyfriend sticked to the white tea + pomegranate flavour + mango bobas.

mine was not a bit watery, very creamy instead, with a fine fruity peach hint and the lychee bobas were extraordinary tasty! really, i was so delighted about this combination - i need to drink that again!

my boyfriend unfortunately had no luck with his combination of white tea + pomegranate flavour + mango bobas. it was not that delicious. his tasted quite artificial - just think about those cheesy iced teas you get in every supermarket. it tasted just like one of those beverages. well, if you like those, just try it! ... but i would not recommend you in doing so - for the price of 1,99€ it's not worth buying it (and still it was a reduced price!)

my boyfriend also liked mine so we just swapped ours when each of finished our drinks by half.

the bottom line is that ...
i can recommend white milk + peach flavour + lychee bobas to all those bubble tea lovers out there - it's absolutely delicious!

i cannot understand all the haters commenting such harshfully on it.  hum, maybe they just had no such good combination.
it think it's good! just just might need to try some combos until you find your perfect fit ... ;)

vouchers are usable until the 01st of july.
vouchers are availble here.


  1. Genial, danke für die Gutscheine!! Werde dann demnächst nach Erfurt düsen und auch mal den McDonalds Bubble Tea probieren. Bin schon sehr gespannt. ;D

    Liebe Grüße /

  2. Ich bin nicht soo der bubble tea fan, aber ganz im Gegensatz dazu, ist dein Blog echt spitze.
    Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du auch mal bei mir vorbei gucken würdest (
    und noch viel mehr, wenn du mir verraten könntest, wie du die pluszeichen/sternchen/buntedinger hingekriegt hast, die erscheinen, sobald man den mauszeiger bewegt...
    gruß, Theresa

  3. I like bubble tea! unfortunately we can't find it in Morocco! :/

  4. Hallo Dahi!
    An Bubbel Tea scheiden sich bei uns die Geister...aber Deine Posts sind immer klasse geschrieben und ich kann mein eingerostetes Englisch aufpolieren. Leider habe ich Deine Verlosung verpasst... habe leider momentan recht wenig Zeit, da ich meine Arbeitszeit erhöht habe...Schaue trotzdem immer sehr gerne bei Dir vorbei. Nice weekend!
    LG Ulla

  5. Wow!Thanks,honey!Dying to see the presentation!:)))Please keep in touch!

  6. uiiii da hab ich noch gutscheine fällt mir grade ein...AUSPROBIEREN!!!! :D

    LG Mona


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