Thursday 13 March 2014

FOOD: dark chocolate cupcakes with popcorn topping.

ladies and guys, i have a new delicious cupcake creation for you!

for these deliciously looking lovely little cupcakes i have combined two recipes, and when you're based in germany you might already have read about them on two other blogs i like very much, because they got great food inspiration and great recipes.

first i took the popcorn cupcake recipe from 'miss blueberrymuffin' - the recipe says that you have to put peach bits and peach juice into the dough, but i didn't want that, so i decided to simply take the popcorn topping and combine the cupcakes with another recipe i have tried out previously: the dark chocolate cupcakes with matcha frosting from 'thank you for eating' - i liked the dark chocolate muffin base which i already have baked some days ago (you can see it here).

don't they look delicious? and they were delicious, too. i have tried them myself, and also pupils, friends and family. a pupil also said, they look a bit like 'modern art' - very cute :D but it's true! with low expenditure you can throw together a very lovely, delicious and elaborate cake creation.

you can make 14 cupcakes with this recipe!
this is what you need ...:

for the cake base:

  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 ml milk
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g butter
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 package of baking soda
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa powder

for the topping:

  • 50 g popcorn
  • 20 g coconut oil
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 200 g whipping cream
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 1 package of vanilla sugar
  • 1 package of whipping cream stiffener

... and this is what you have to do:

1 preheat the oven to 180°C.
mix the eggs with the sugar and milk. melt the chocolate in the microwave oven and add it with the butter to the mixture.

2 add the flour with the baking soda and cocoa powder to the chocolate, butter, egg, sugar and milk mixture and prepare a nice dough.

3 fill the dough into your muffin forms and put them into the preheated oven for approx. 18 minutes. the muffins should have a solid cover but a fluffy inside.

whip the cream with (vanilla) sugar and whipping cream stiffener. when the cupcakes have cooled down, you can put one tablespoon of whipping cream on top of each cupcake.

for the chocolate popcorn heat dark chocolate and coconut oil in the bain-marie. while the chocolate is melting you can prepare the popcorn. 

when the popcorn is ready you can mix it with the molten chocolate. then take the chocolate covered popcorn bits and decorate your cupcakes with them by pushing the popcorn bits into the whipping cream. you should put your cupcakes into the fridge afterwards so that the chocolate can firm up. you should know that the popcorn gets a bit squashy after an hour, so you should serve and eat them as quickly as possible.

and now:
bon appétit!


  1. Gott sehen die geil aus *_*
    Jetzt hab ich wieder so richtig Lust auf Süßes :D
    Gut, dass ich heute Morgen joggen war...

    Liebe Grüße ♥

  2. I'll try to make it I promise!!

  3. Dahi, they look good... I have to stay away from things like this for a while... the do look yummy though :0

    I hope you have a great weekend .... I really need to write myself this weekend, it has been a crazy busy week :)

  4. Those cupcakes look so good!


  5. Hallo meine Liebe,
    popcorn-topping ist ja cool -ein popping also *lol*
    hab gerade spontan backen wollen, aber ich bin heute faul. Als Ersatz, weil ich nun Süßhunger hatte habe ich Cornflakes mit Schokolade überzogen :-)
    Das popping werde ich aber mal versuchen *g*
    Diese Woche ist recht schnell rum gegangen aber ich habe sie ganz gut verbracht.Mittwoch hatte ich einen freien Tag und habe den mit einer sehr guten Freundin verbracht.
    Wie sieht es bei dir aus, schon Erfolg bei deiner Wohnungssuche gehabt?
    Jetz schau ich mal nach weiteren Posts von dir ;-)
    LG Naddel

  6. Hallo meine Liebe,
    popcorn-topping ist ja cool -ein popping also *lol*
    hab gerade spontan backen wollen, aber ich bin heute faul. Als Ersatz, weil ich nun Süßhunger hatte habe ich Cornflakes mit Schokolade überzogen :-)
    Das popping werde ich aber mal versuchen *g*
    Diese Woche ist recht schnell rum gegangen aber ich habe sie ganz gut verbracht.Mittwoch hatte ich einen freien Tag und habe den mit einer sehr guten Freundin verbracht.
    Wie sieht es bei dir aus, schon Erfolg bei deiner Wohnungssuche gehabt?
    Jetz schau ich mal nach weiteren Posts von dir ;-)
    LG Naddel

  7. Die Idee ist der Hammer... Ich glaub ich muss die nächste Zeit mal wieder mehr backen!
    Allerdings hoffe ich die sehen dann auch so lecker aus!
    Es gibt aber auch einen wunderbaren Shop in dem man Popcorn in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen bestellen kann, das ist wundervoll <3


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.