Wednesday 30 July 2014

INTERIOR LOVE: painting furniture white.

there was a day when something disturbed my ideal of beauty when i came into the living room. the feeling of disturbance grow as days flew past. and then i suddenly recognized that i really hated my black CD shelf and both of my brown book shelves. they simply didn't fit into the concept of the rest of the room. they didn't fit to the pink and white coloured walls. they made the whole room look shabby, not chic. they somewhat made it all look a bit dirty. chaotic, but not in a creative, but very unsophisticated way. and i simply HATED this view so much so that i had the huge urge to change that sight immediately.

i bought wood varnish in white at the local supermarket and prepositioned paint brushes of several sizes and also a paint roller of those kinds we also used to paint the walls with. i used the latter for the CD shelf and the most extensive parts of both book shelves. 
but the finishing touch was the hardest part of the work. 
the book shelf was lying on the floor and with small paint brushes i painted the small, still brown parts, most of the time bent forward with all my body.

it was loads of work.

when i finished the first book shelf i didn't think that it would be that hard to wake up the next morning. i was ill-treated with a very very bad notalga. but i didn't want to stop it because the look of the book shelves earlier disturbed me so much i really didn't want to see it anymore XD ... so i forgot about the pain and carried on ... and yes. the change was ernormous. and you cannot believe me how relieved i was that i started this project - and when i finished it, finally !!!

and afterwards i REALLY felt at home, because now there were no disturbing factors existing anymore. this exorbitantly great work was worth it.

because nearly everything in my flat is finished not (except the tree in my bedroom) i will start a room tour with you very soon. in single posts i will show you each room and explain everything you can see there.

stay tuned!


  1. Ich will auch immer alles weiß pinseln bei mir :D Das ist aber auch einfach eine klasse Farbe für Möbel! :)

    Liebst, ina

    Visit me at Petite Saigon

  2. I think you have a great hands ...nice work

  3. Nice. It looks way better in white.


  4. White furniture is more elegant than brown one :3

  5. Dahi.. you did a lovely job and I agree the white looks better in the room with the colors there... I love refinishing furniture.. you have inspired me to take on a dresser I have been wanting to do for years... I will let you know if I am brave enough and do it.. :)

  6. Uh,ja! Das ist ne ziemliche frickelige Angelegenheit diese unzähligen kleinen Stäbe etc zu streichen. Das Spiel kenne ich nur zu gut. Ich finde auch dass es nun besser rein passt. :-)
    LG Naddel

  7. Ich finde das weiße Regal vor dieser pinken Wand einfach klasse, aber das war ja echt ne mords Arbeit :D
    Liebe Grüße an dich <3

  8. sehr schön!! in weiß macht das gleich viel mehr her :)

  9. in Weiß sieht es echt viel besser aus :) Ich widme zurzeit meine Zeit dem Balkon, um nicht ins Loch nach dem Examen zu fallen. Danke liebe Dahi für deine Kommentare. Habe mich sehr gefreut :)))))))))))))) LG, Xenia

  10. Oh, ich verstehe Dich so gut! Ich mag unsere braunen Möbel auch gerade nicht mehr alle so gerne ... voll schön geworden, das Regal!

    Und ich freu mich, dass Du mit Deiner Wohnung schon so weit und so glücklich dort bist <3 Aber wie ich schon schrieb, war ich immer davon überzeugt, dass Deine ganze Wohnungssuche letztendlich ein gutes Ende nehmen wird - da Du nur das verdient hast!

    Ich sende Dir allerliebste Grüße, Deine Rena


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.