Sunday 27 July 2014

INTERIOR LOVE: painting glasses white.

since most of the decoration and furniture in my kitchen is white i wanted all of my vases to look like that, too. unfortunately i didn't have so many white vases but on several blogs i have read about the idea to use pickle glasses of different shapes and colouring them white so that one can use them as small vases afterwards. i liked this idea very much and thus i gathered loads and loads of them, bought varnishing spray in white and started my new DIY project!

what is most important is that you're working outside (if possible) and that you've got enough support surface because the spray will have a huge diameter. thus i have chosen some of my old moving boxes. with a distance of approx. you should stick to a distance of 15-30cm between they spray and the glass you want to colour. in a few hours the glass should be dry. but precautionary i have waited one day or 24h until i put them back inside.

another time you're getting best results for less work. i love the look of the new vases. the different shapes add a fun and also sophisticated twist on the table.


  1. eine wirklich tolle idee für ein DIY
    wie schnell man mit so einer simplen idee etwas tolles umsetzen kann
    sehr schön

    liebe grüße Hydrogenperoxid Lifestyle Blog

  2. Lovely photos!


  3. Dahi, you did such a great job with these vases...

    I used to refinish old furniture by sanding, staining and varnishing... I really enjoyed that at one time... I think I am going to start that up again with a dresser that needs to be refinished...if it turns out, I will let you know... it will take a month to get the products I need :)

  4. Liebe Dahi,
    das DIY hat echt Vorteile. Ich habe so auch schon den ein oder anderen Übertopf aufgehübscht und in mein Farbkonzept eingefügt ;-))) Die silbernen Streifen gefallen mir auch sehr gut!
    Übrigens kann das ganz schön aufwendig werden, erst alle Kommis zu beantworten und dann erst zu veröffentlichen :-P Weiß ich bei dir ja eigentlich auch, aber dies mal kam mir das merkwürdig vor, weil ich von meinem Handy manchmal Probleme habe und dann die Kommis erst gar nicht überkommen.
    Aber jetzt weiß ich ja Bescheid :-)
    LG Naddel

  5. Wow, das sieht total cool aus !


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