Friday 22 August 2014

VEGAN: food haul.

some time ago i received packages from different onlineshop with loads and loads of vegan goodies. on the message board of, an online swap meet for second hand apparel and accessoires, i have read a thread dealing with vegan sweets and candies. 
a member said that there is a brand offering vegan alternatives for mars, snickers and co. - it is called 'go max go'. 
because i somewhat mourned after different sweets i used to eat when i was younger this was quite interesting for me. 

i searched at for products of 'go max go' and found/bought 'mahalo', an alternative for 'bounty', 'twilight', an alternative for 'milkyway', 'buccaneer', an alternative for 'mars' (omg that was so amazingly delicious, you cannot imagine !!!) and 'snap', that's puffed rice with a chocolate coat. 

i also wanted to buy chia seeds because many vegans recommended these as a great source for omega 3, dietary fibres and proteins. one tablespoon of chia seeds can replace one egg in your daily nutrition. it belongs to the so-called 'superfoods' and yes, indeed it is a super food! 

at i also bought two bottles of coco drink (there's also an alternative available from alpro which you can find at your local supermarket), and chocolate-covered almonds (very yummie!).

because i lacked some asian foodstuff, too, i also shopped at an asian onlinestore where i bought sesame oil, korean ramen noodles, tomoshiraga noodles (in korean they are called gugsu noodles - very delicious and low in calories) and delicious indian mango chutney.

on i also bought a dozenth of manner waffles - this is an accidentially vegan product which you can also find at the local supermarket. i loved to eat these waffles when i was a child and now they celebrated got a comeback in my kitchen XD


  1. Yum! This all looks delish! I've heard great things about chia seeds!

    <3 Shannon

  2. Manner ist vegan? Gut zu wissen!

    Die Riegel sehen ja auch toll aus, lecker :)

  3. Looks delicious!


  4. Lecker Sachen hast du da eingekauft :-) Ich liebe solche Riegel, kaufe sie hier in Bochum immer in einem rein veganem Laden (esse sehr gern vegan), leider sind die immer so teuer, wollte jetzt endlich mal Dattel-Cashew-Riegel selbst machen, hast du das schonmal gemacht? Chia Samen liebe ich auch und tu sie gern in Smoothies, Säfte und auch mal gern als Pudding :) Liebste Grüße

  5. AAAh ahso, das letzte Video hat E.W.I.G. und drei Tage gebraucht, war auch nicht in top Form, wollte aber unbedingt vor dem Festival alles abfilmen :) Also ca ne Stunde + ewiges Schneiden, mal schauen wie da Projekt sonst noch anläuft :D Grad ist so viel so tun..und so wenig Zeit.

  6. Ahhh vegan yumyummmsss :)

  7. It looks so yummy <3

  8. Dahi, I really need to buy into the chia seeds... I hear how wonderful they are and how good they are for you:)

    Nice that you found alternatives for the treats you liked and that they tasted good... that is great :)

  9. Toller Haul. Ich kannte diese Riegel noch gar nicht und dass die Manner Waffeln vegan sind, hatte ich ganz vergessen :D
    Liebe Grüße,

  10. Ich weiß nicht warum ich Gold nicht erwartet habe.
    Vermutlich weil ich es weniger zu Pink kombinieren würde ;-)

  11. I just realized that you're German too :). When I used to live in Germany, it was really hard to get anything really healthy/vegan/alternative although it's getting better. Now that I'm in America and I got Whole Foods it's waaay easier. However, I could never be totally vegan. I'm more of a vegetarian with fish. I don't really like meat so it's not my first choice. I didn't know those waffles were vegan though. I absolutely love them.

    Greetings from LA


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