Monday 2 March 2015

the best of the blogs - april 15 ♥

[en] hello my dears, it's time for another chance to become the best of the blogs - this time of april 2015! the wínners of the best of the blogs of march 2015 will be announced in time.

[de]  hallo meine lieben, es ist zeit für eine neue chance auf eine blogpräsentation im rahmen des 'the best of the blogs' wettbewerbes, diesmal für den april 2015. die gewinner des märz-wettbewerbs werden in den kommenden tagen vorgestellt.

what do you have to do? / was müsst ihr dafür tun?

  1. become a follower of my blog via 'google friend connect' or 'bloglovin'. /folge meinem blog via 'google friend connect'oder bloglovin.
  2. leave a comment with your blog address and write some sentences about you and your blog and tell me with which name you follow. / hinterlasse einen kommentar mit deiner blog URL sowie einer kurzen vorstellung deines blogs und verrate mir, unter welchen namen du mir folgst.

[en] you can apply from today until the 31st of march. i will then select up to 5 blogs which i will present on one of the first days of april 2015. this is contingent upon the quality and authenticity of the blogs participating.

this is a permanent campaign which is to be continued every month.

[de] bewerben kann man sich bis zum 31. märz. danach werden bis zu 5 blogs von mir ausgewählt, welche in den ersten tagen des aprils vorgestellt werden. qualität und authentizität spielen bei der auswahl die hauptrolle.

dies ist eine dauerhafte kampagne, welche jeden monat wiederholt wird.

good luck
viel glück 



    My blog is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog. I love playing around with my style. One day it can be edgy and grungy and the next day it might be girly and glittery. I find writing fun and therapeutic.

    I followed via Bloglovin with Juliet Ly

  2. Hi Dahi, I just wanted to drop by and say hi... I hope all is going well... I am totally enjoying all your pictures on Instagram... especially the ones of you and the boy... you are so happy looking... that is the best xox <3

  3. Hello,

    Thank you for the lovely comment on our blog.
    Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin', GCF and Lookbook?

    For the contest: We have a French & American fashion and lifestyle blog, filled with OOTDs, travel diaries, recipes and fun photoshoots.

    xoxo, ♥

    Thanks for visiting my blog
    I am a personal style fashion blogger based in Ukraine. I also do some headwrap tutorials.
    I followed you via GFC, with the name dimplekhadi. Do follow back


    I have a fashion and styling blog that mainly revolves around my own particular style and inspiration from Asian fashion and sub-culture. I guess my style ranges from all sorts but the main unique factor to my blog is that it is geared with a taste in androgynous fashion, mixing the elements of masculine and feminine. I also blog about my own personal endeavors and soon- beauty. The only reason I started blogging was to share my own take on fashion, giving inspiration and aspiration to those who seek it just as I do with others.

    I followed on both google and bloglovin, for bloglovin my name is Bee Hakchareun.

    Thank you. :)

  6. i love it

  7. Love this idea !

    Hi, I'm Helena, I'm a 19 year old girl who's studying graphic design. I live in Belgium Antwerp.This blog is where I share little bits of me, my outfits, beauty and lifestyle. xo

  8. Anna D Kart
    Happy Medley Blog
    Life and Style blog that covers everything from fashion to motherhood and faith.

  9. Following on blogloving ANNADKART

  10. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar, gerne machen wir bei deiner Blogvorstellung mit. Wir folgen dir via GFC mit dem Namen ,,Thu und My". :)

    Unser Blog dreht sich um Fotografie und die schönen Dinge des Lebens. ;)

    Liebste Grüße

    Thu und My

  11. hi dear i love your blog, i am following your blog by gf please follow back . thank you

  12. i love it <3

  13. Hey, ich bin Lisa 21 Jahre und blogge auf hauptsächlich über Fashion. Aber auch Inhalte wie Lifestyle, Musik und Geschichten gibt es bei mir zu finden. Ich schreibe einfach gerne und nutze meinen Blog unter anderem auch dazu, diese Fähigkeit weiter aus zu bauen. Ich nutze das Bloggen aber auch als Ausgleich zu meinem Studium. :)
    Ich folge dir via GFC unter 'Style Picker'

    Liebe Grüße :)
    Lisa von


    Hey, i saw your comment on my blog :) Well i'm just an ordinary girl from Indonesia whom loves fashion. Because i love fashion, i made a blog. A fashion blog i mean :) My blog have transformed for several times, and now it's completed. I really hoping that i could inspire people by my blog. And i wanted people to know that if you want to be a fashion blogger, you don't have to have branded things or glam things. You could just start with a simple clothing and after that you could established it. Like the quotes "from zero to hero". Thankyou :)

  15. Bin leider auch zu spät, schade.
    Liebst michelle von beautifulfairy

  16. I missed this :(


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.