Tuesday 10 March 2015

TRAVELLING LOVE: st. stephens cathedral vienna / stephansdom wien

[en] hello my dears! today i want to show you the next part of my photographic travel diary from my trip to vienna in january, showing you some impressions of the beautiful st. stephens cathedral in the heart of the city, a monumental and beautiful gothic building, called 'steffl' by the viennese inhabitants. i truly love sacral building because of their holy atmosphere and i especially love the gothic epoque because of its cathedrals capturing the transcendence of god by letting the sunlight stream into the building through their high upper window front. also from the top of these gothic cathedrals you always have a wonderful view over the whole city. thus we also took the opportunity to summit st. stephens cathedral, but not as always up the stairs, but by riding the lift.

[de] hallo meine lieben! heute möchte ich mit euch den nächsten teil meines fotografisch festgehaltenen reisetagebuchs aus wien teilen. ich zeige euch heute ein paar impressionen des wunderschönen gotischen stephansdoms im herzen der stadt, welcher von den einheimischen liebevoll 'steffl' genannt wird. ich liebe sakrale bauten wegen ihrer heiligen atmosphäre und ganz besonds liebe ich die gotik, da ihre kathedralen die transzendenz gottes einfangen, indem sie das sonnenlicht durch die oberen, hoch angelegten fensterfronten durch das gebäude scheinen lassen. von der anhöhe dieser bauten hat man überdies einen wunderbaren blick über die gesamte stadt. daher haben wir auch dieses mal die chance genutzt, die spitze des steffl zu erklimmen, nur nicht wie so oft über die treppe, sondern mit dem fahrstuhl.

participate in the best of the blogs competition for april 2015!


  1. Dahi... these pictures are amazing I love older buildings with such culture and history... what a view ♡ xox

  2. Woah WONDERFUL place!! I really wanna go there and see the buildings because they're so beautiful and graceful!

  3. Amazing view!!!!
    New post: http://dimplekhadi.blogspot.com/2015/03/cc-hair-extensions.html

  4. Nice architecture!


  5. Beautiful pictures ! Thanks for your comment on my blog ;) http://valeriesdays.blogspot.fr/

  6. Wonderful dear!! ;) Nice pics.
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  7. Wow these photos are beautiful!! Great post! :)

    I'd like to invite you to join a contest for a chance to win a trip for 2 to Bali, Indonesia courtesy of Vaseline! Mechanics are in a new post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  8. I'm going to Vienna in a month! great picture, can't wait to go there now I see this :)

  9. It's such a beautiful cathedral!
    http://petitemaisonoffashion.blogspot.com/ ♥

  10. Tolle Bilder!
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Very nice Pics. :)


  12. Hi!
    Wonderful post.
    Adorable view!
    Lets follow eachother on GFC. let me know if it is yes. Leave a comment about following and then I will come back immediately and follow you.


  13. The photos are beautiful, I love Church atmosphere!

  14. That Church is so stunning!


  15. I've never been to Wien, but I think it's a wonderful city and your pictures confirm this. I hope one day to visit it. Have a nice day, kisses,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook


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