Friday 15 March 2013

blogpresentation - the winners ♥

hi dears!
so many wonderful blogs have participated in the latest blogpresentation campaign - it wasn't easy to choose the winners. now i chose 10 wonderful, talented and beautiful people, and most of them are under 20 years old! when i browsed through their blogs, i got a bit jealous, really. and each of the blogs you'll see below is really worth to be read and seen!

thanks to everyone who participated! ... well, some days ago i also thought about starting a monthly blogpresentation, called 'best of blogs'. what would you think about that? then more people would get the possibility to be featured on my blog.
i'm looking forward so reading your feedback!

aline, born in 1997, living in berlin  - an extremely talented photographer whose photographies took place in an art exhibition in berlin! ... no wonder, if you look at her extremely beautiful and melancholic photographies. can't believe she's only 16.

elena, 19 years old. very photogenic and creative with many wonderful ideas!

i love russel's blog because his outfits are so unique and colourful! you can also find him on - click here!

paula, extremely beautiful, photogenic and a very good photographer - if you look at her photographies, you wouldn't believe that she's only 13 years old !!! ... i'm curious about what she will present in the future. what you can see now is quite promising!

ivana is blogging since 2011. i love her photographies very much and i hope that she'll get more and more followers - she would have deserved it!

lena is 17, dreamy, creative and calm - you can see this in her wonderful, atmospheric and balanced photographies.

romy is 19, very creative and in love with life - i love her vital and colourful photographies very much!

this is a very nice blog with wonderful, poetic pictures - it's really worth browsing through!

nadja is 16 and a very promising photographic talent!

sarah is 18 and lives in düsseldorf, germany. her photographies are varied and show a great love for life.


  1. Danke! Leider komme ich damit viel zu spät an, aber tolle Gewinner sind es geworden! :) ♥

  2. Ui danke für die lieben Worte und dass du meinen Blog vorgestellt hast :*

  3. Glückwunsch meinerseits an die Gewinner!
    Zu deiner monatlichen Vorstellung:
    Ich finde es gut,wenn es sowas wie "meine best- oder Lieblingsblogs" heißt .
    Du stellst ja vor was dir gefällt und deine Leser interessieren sich ja auch für
    dich und was du gut findest. Das andere hört sich ein wenig nach Jury an.
    Nach , ich hoffe ich hab mich verständlich ausgedrückt :-D die Idee find
    ich gut, ist aber auch nicht neu. Daher denke ich, muss deine persönliche
    Note eine Rolle spielen.
    So, jetzt muss ich zum Geburtstagskuchen ;-)
    Schönes WE dir noch Naddel

  4. oh dankeschön! :) das freut mich wirklich sehr juhuuu :) xxx

  5. ohh vielen dank du kannst dir nicht vorstelen wie ich mich gerde extrem darüber freue danke danke <33

  6. Hallo meine Liebe,
    habe mich so über deinen Kommentar gefreut! ♥ Leider bin ich für die Blogvorstellung jetzt zu spät dran, weil ich eine Weile abwesend war... Beim nächsten Mal gerne!
    Liebe Grüße Barbara


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.