Tuesday 26 March 2013

smile, and the world smiles with you ♥

i got tagged by lovely schaechtelchen

first of all 11 facts about me:
  1. i can drink coffee and afterwards i'm tired
  2. i eat cake for breakfast
  3. for a short time i have been a vegetarian
  4. i play the piano for 18 years, i also teach it and i also compose
  5. i'm absolutely unable to do multi-tasking
  6. my favourite number is pi, i love maths and chemistry has been one of my favourite school subjects - i used to be a bit of a nerd (ha! no, i still am XD)
  7. i love to-do lists!
  8. eagle vs. shark is one of my favourite films
  9. i'm signed in at lookbook.nu – but i'm no hipster
  10. florence welch inspired me to choose my blog name
  11. many people say i'm a look-a-like to a famous south korean actress – and it seems like i'm the only one who doesn't think so.

now i need to answer 11 questions schaechtelchen asked me:

  1. what do you do in the train/in the car?
in the car: talking, reading, sleeping or navigating, since i'm always co-driver – i do not own a driver licence.
in the train: talking, sleeping, reading or folding origami cranes – but i haven't gone by train in a long time.
  1. do you want to have children/do you have children?
that comes down to sth i do not know yet. currently i don't have any.
  1. what do your friends think about blogging?
my friends and my family think it's awesome and support me in everything i do. my brother and my daddy are frequent readers via RSS feed XD
  1. cinema or dvd-evening?
that depends on the mood i'm in.
  1. chocolate or jellybabys?
chocolate, always!
  1. most favourite song?
there are too many. 'my love' from sia, 'postcards from italy' from beirut, 'strangeness and charm' from florence + the machine, 'welcome to england' from tori amos, 'quelqu'un m'a dit' from carla bruni – to name just a few of them ...
  1. which book moved you to tears?
the first book which was able to do so, was 'the shell seakers' from rosamunde pilcher. and now don't laugh! ... the book is awesome, still.
  1. what's your favourite dish?
all-time-favourite sushi !!! and crème brulée and all the stuff from ladurée paris, mostly the macarons and saint-honoré rose framboise.
  1. what do you connect to the term 'family'?
unity, emotional security, blood is thicker than water ...
  1. what is your version of happiness, or fortune?
that's a difficult question. you are favoured by fortune when you've achieved the things in life which you wanted to achieve. but that's different for every person. i'm favoured by fortune because i can have a work which makes me happy and i find it in the things i love, the things which thrill me.
  1. which question do you muse about often?
why life is so unfair, sometimes. and wether i have always made the right decisions. but who knows, actually?

and now i have to ask 11 questions to my nominees:
  1. where did you yet feel the most at ease?
  2. what do you connect with the term 'life'?
  3. bar or disco?
  4. your favourite band?
  5. why have you started blogging?
  6. where do you see yourself now?
  7. where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  8. are you happy at the moment?
  9. do you have a to-do list for life?
  10. is there any chance to find real love?
  11. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

... and my nominees are:


i hope you'll join, too

... don't forget to participate in the 'best of the blogs' campaign and the giveaway


  1. Ich habe das gerade entdeckt, 2 Minuten vor deinem Kommentar... ich hab wohl doch telephatische Kräfte =D danke sehr, wir machen direkt mit =)

  2. Hallo Liebes,

    habe gerade deinen Kommentar entdeckt und musste erstmal lachen! daaaanke! :-)
    tja, das einhorn, das hat das christkind gebracht! wirklich!
    und ab jetzt passt es in meinem schlafzimmer auf, dass ich gute träume habe!

    ganz liebe grüße


    p.s. wahlweise könntest du auch einfach deinen freund mit großen augen ansehen und ihm sagen, dass du dir dieses einhorn bei butlers schon iiiiiiiimmer gewünscht hast! ;-)

  3. Thank you for comment and also thank you so much for tagging me. Means a lot.
    Yes, we surely must keep it in mind. Maybe once spring finally shows up, we can set a day :)
    I would love to see the Great Wall one day.

    Sarah ♥

  4. Guten Morgen,
    bei Punkt 1 und 2 musste ich direkt grinsen -mir gehts nämlich genauso ;-) Schön solche Dinge über dich zu erfahren und so authentisch. Gratuliert man beim taggen auch ? Dann herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    bye bye Naddel

  5. Ich sehe, wir verstehen uns quasi blind - und jaaaa, ich liebe diesen Film über alles - aber ich kann ihn nur jedes Jahr maximal einmal ansehen, weil er wie du schon sagst so melancholisch ist! Für mich auch definitiv kein Kinderfilm.
    Oh suuuper, du hast ihn gleich gefunden? :-) Ich habe ihn über den Türrahmen im Schlafzimmer gehängt, sieht super aus und auch gar nicht mal sooo kitschig. (haha, also im vergleich zur rosenbettwäsche, den ganzen goldketten, die überall rumhängen und dem ganzen schnörkelkram :-D)
    mist, wegen der freundsache. aber selbst ist die frau. ich kauf mir meinen schmuck auch selber. :-)
    und vielen dank fürs folge - ich bin voll für gegenseitig folgen und so (haha, kleiner scherz) aber in diesem fall muss ich einfach. blindes verstehen, weißte!? :-)


  6. Danke fürs Taggen. Ich hoffe, ich finde die Zeit den Tag auch zu erwidern<3


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.