Wednesday 23 April 2014

FOOD: homemade butterfly cookies with fondant.

aren't these cookies looking lovely and absolutely delicious? i must admit that i have baked these cookies a very long time ago - last year. and i simply forgot to put it online. forgive me that! sometimes there's simply no time and i've got loads of work to do ... sometimes i'm very stressed and life has a quite firm grip - sometimes negatively spoken, mostly positive. and now there's a time when most of the things seem positive. there are exciting new experiences waiting for me and life isn't always simply about being safe and sound, but about being courageous and to see what's going on in this wide wide world - and maybe to find something more beautiful and bigger than anything you've had before. so this life is about being lived - and it wants to be lived, because of all the beautiful things that happen on your journey through it. preserve these memories, experiences and thoughts in your mind, your head, your soul.

have a wonderful week 

p.s. i made these cookies out of butter cookie dough and added fondant to it which i previously coloured green. i can tell you guys that this is really taking up time - but it's worth it, because those cookies were really mouthwateringly delicious - so if you want/need the recipe, feel free to write me!

don't forget to participate in the best of the blogs campaign for may 14!


  1. The cookies look yummy... I think making items homemade although tedious are so much healthier and tastier...

    Have an incredible day Dahi ♡

  2. Those are so cute!


  3. They look sooo cute.


  4. Hallo,
    Mh... Sehen die lecker aus! :) Ich liebe solche bunten Kekse.
    Danke auch für deinen lieben Kommentar, fand ich total lieb. ^^ Allerdings hab ich ne unmögliche Figur (die Fotos sind nur aus nem guten Blickwinkel aufgenommen, schätze ich) und im Moment bin ich noch unförmiger als sowieso schon wegen des ganzen Lernstress. ^^ Muss unbedingt mehr Sport machen.
    Also: Meine Beine (oder irgendeinen anderen Teil von mir) willst du bestimmt nicht haben, du hast ne viel bessere Figur. ;)

    Liebe Grüße ;)

  5. This looks simply delicious and beautiful! And thanks for the follow, I've followed you back now :)

  6. Oh, da freue ich mich gleich, dass Du die Cookies doch noch gepostet hast, denn sie sind wirklich einfach zu lieblich - Du bist einfach eine wahre Künstlerin in jeglicher Hinsicht <3
    International giveaway: Love & Peace


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