Saturday 10 May 2014

INTERIOR LOVE: vintage frames and crosses get a new shabby chic style.

hello guys! some time ago i had the idea that white country style furniture and shabby chic decoration would fit perfectly into my new, colourful home - thus i took the decision to coat those many many old vintage frames i have found in the cellar earlier and the old wooden cross from my great grandmother with beautiful cream white paint i have bought in the diy market, among the wall paint and brushes. 

i have finished both the frames and the cross on the second attempt, because first i have coated the surface and afterwards the bottom. well i have never thought that this could be so much work (totalled up i have worked for nearly 4 hours), but i guess that it was worth it, if i look upon the final outcome.

i have recorded the origination process in pictures you can see below. i have finished the frames after work. it was already quite dark outside so please forgive me the bad image quality.

... but aren't these frames and the cross looking lovely and absolutely shabby chic? it's a bit of work, but it's worth it and if you want to decorate your own home with some new items, simply watch for some old decoration items you already have stored in your cellar or attic - you simply need varnish and some time 

don't forget to participate in the best of the blogs campaign for june 14!


  1. They look lovely! Love this style xxx


  2. What a really great job with all the frames... I like that look, they will look really great in your place with all the colored walls :)

    Have a good weekend Dahi, talk to you soon :)

  3. Ich mag den Shabby Chic generell sehr, und ich finde auf jeden Fall, dass sich Dein Aufwand und die Mühe gelohnt haben, denn das, was Du so verschönert hast, sieht richtig gut aus! Mich begeistert ja außerdem nach wie vor die pinke Wand <3

    Liebe Grüße, Rena

  4. Beautiful frame - lovely DIY!


  5. 4 Stunden *grins* Wahnsinn, oder? Ich bin genauso jedes mal überrascht wie lange sowas immer dauert. Mal eben streichen ...pah! Von wegen, es dauert immer länger, als ich erwarte. Aber dafür ist es dann selbst gemacht :-)


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.