Wednesday 11 December 2013

my new smartphone ♥

omg, finally it had arrived! now i can truly say that i'm a modern fashion blogger moving with the times - or with consumption XD
it's a fact that since last year pupils, friends and family permantly ask me whether they can write me via whatsapp, and i'm totally bugged by all the giveaways on where you can participate not until you've got instagram and you can only register if you're in possession of a smartphone -.- i first thought that you need an iphone to register on insta but i was so happy when i have read that instagram is also available for android operating systems. i didn't want to support apple because of their multi-million dollar case against samsung - very funny if you mind the fact that most apple products include a display produced by samsung.

and since i'm very positive about samsung products of all kinds (not only because i'm half korean) i chose a samsung smartphone. since i weren't in need of an all-new version, i chose the galaxy s2, because i already had several chances to test it before. 

and what is best is the colour: it's pink! wuahaha, i'm in possession of a pink smartphone! isn't that a girl's dream come true? ... well, at least it is mine XD

what do you think of it? 


  1. Oh I love how your new phone looks, it is very pretty! I hope you are enjoying it, a new phone is always so exciting!


  2. Pretty! I'm in desperate need of a new phone myself!

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist's, foodie's, & writer's blog in development.

  3. Nice phone.


  4. Hey hey!!

    Wie schöööön von dir zu hören - und dann gleich so viel! :-D Musstte gerade über deinen Kommentar-Marathon voll lachen!
    Und pink ist immer gut - also finde ich zumindest auch! ;-)

    Ganz ganz liebe Grüße an dich!

  5. Completely in love!!! This is too pretty. Thanks for participating in my last post sweety, it was great to hear your thoughts.

  6. Haha, jetzt bist du auch im 21. Jahrhundert angekommen :D

    Liebst, ina

    Macht mit bei meinem diesjährigen Adventsgiveaway ♡

  7. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, ich habe das selbe Phone, nur die Farbe von meinem ist bei weitem nicht so schön. Ich denke zwar schon seit ungefähr 9000 Jahren (ok übertrieben, aber gefühlt) darüber nach, dass ich mir endlich mal eine Hülle zulege, aber irgendwie verdränge ich das nun schon so lange so erfolgreich, dass mein Handy nicht mehr ganz so gut ausschaut ;)

    Alles Liebe und viel Spaß mit Deinem neuen Arbeitsuntensil, whats app verwende ich auch regelmäßig und vor allem gerne!

    Alles Liebe von Rena

  8. I love your pink phone... mine is a Samsung Galaxy 3... they only had white, I bought a purple cover... I love color :)

  9. Yay getting a new phone is always a fun time. Love that yours is red! Fashionable and functional :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes


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