Saturday 12 October 2013


'a life lived for art is never a life wasted.'

... what a fantastic statement, and how true. that's what macklemore states in his song ten thousand hours. a fantastic musician, artist, overwhelmingly creative mind. someone who knows his craft. someone who is really in love with what he does. 'if i had done it for the money i'd have been a f**kin' lawyer'. gladly he didn't do the latter. gladly i have visited his concert on the 29th of september´with his friend, just some days ago. his music and lyrics are powerful statements of (social) courage, strength, and a huge love for life. and that's what you can experience when you visit one of his gigs. i can recommend this experience to all of you. this is a true artist, someone who really loves what he does!

the pictures were taken by chrissie and me (and she mastered it to show that the sun shined out of the behind of the opening act), we also made some videos, one of it you can find in this post and on youtube (click). omg and they had a cello on stage! i love it when musicians have unusual musical instruments on stage, just like florence and the machine, who always take a harp with them ... 

the audience was quite mixed. at the entrance we saw mothers with their children, adolescents and young people in white tees and blue jeans, some girls in casual dresses ... and we felt quite overdressed, because we both wore chiffon and silk blouses, jewellery and stuff and drank bubbly, haha. we had seats, and some ranks ahead us we spotted some seniors in suits.
i think the standing place wouldn't have been good for us. first, it's uncomfortable and second, i'm feeling way too old for that, haha.

my favourites were thrift shop (wanz was with them), same love (the song which made me a fan forever, because it is a beautiful statement towards humanity and tolerance) and starting over ... goosebumps in between! because of the cello, the lyrics ... somewhat a ray of light in dark times. somewhat it turned into a secret reverser for me when i'm feeling down. in general i think that concerts will always make you feel alive when you're feeling down. and if you have such amazing artists such as macklemore and lewis you'll experience this much more. i wouldn't want to miss it.


  1. I have never been to a concert, it is on a bucket list for me to attend one in the next year and I live in a city where there are many concerts :)

  2. Klingt (haha, gutes Wortspiel, was? :D) nach einem gelungenem Abend und Konzertbesuch :)

    Liebst, ina

    Petite Saigon

  3. <3
    hab ich ne anekdote über paris erzählt? du musst entschuldigen, irgendwie ist mein gehirn gerade ein ziemliches sieb. :P
    ich war eben die woche da, als "ferien-"ausklang, weil morgen uni wieder anfängt. ;)

  4. Ah, da wär's ja wirklich ein Leichtes gewesen, dich zu erkennen. ;) Aber ich lag die meiste Zeit flach und hab gefrustet versucht, was für meine Diss zu arbeiten. :/


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.