Wednesday 9 October 2013

OUTFIT: so we put our hands up like the ceiling can’t hold us!

i know you guys waited for way too long but here it is: this is the outfit i wore for the macklemore concert on the 29th of september! the pussy bow blouse and the leather skirt were quite new pieces in my wardrobe. the necklace was an older piece (by my beloved favourite label, chanel), just like my pink ostrich bag from italy, the tights, the earrings (also chanel), the coat and the beret. the shoes were a gift from my mum - yeah well ... depending on how one looks at it. she gave them to me with the words: 'dahi, you're always wearing high heels and i cannot wear them anymore so take them, they'll fit you.' ... as if i'm high heel obsessed ... ! :O ah well, but okay, i could be one, actually, if i looked at my older pics XD

... impressions of the concert will follow, too !

blouse: jake*s / skirt: tally weijl / bag: from italy / boots: graceland / necklace: chanel / earrings: chanel / watch: rolex / tights: fiore

don't forget to participate in the best of the blogs campaign for november 13!


  1. The leather skirt looks lovely on you ;-)

  2. great outfit for a concert, love you're blog
    shall we follow dear?facebook/bloglovin
    greetings from Holland

  3. Haha, wir beide sind schon zwei lustige Typen :D Oh nein, wirklich? Dann muss du mir das wirklich noch erzählen, wieso Paris nicht so schön wie erwartet ausgefallen ist :(
    Deinen Lederrock finde ich übrigens sehr schön. Ich überlege auch schon lange, ob ich mir auch einen anschaffen soll, aber irgendwie finde ich mich im Rock dann letztendlich irgendwie doch nicht so dolle ^^'

    Liebst, ina

    Petite Saigon

  4. what a cute hat! Thanks for following me dear :)

  5. I love your blog & i keep coming back every time , everything is perfect about this post !!!
    That is the cutest outfit i have ever seen in a while , looking cute in this hair color ,,,,

    * Just posted my version of a flirty androgynous style , come see !!

    P.S. Follow me on insta & i will instantly follow back @nanyslife


  6. you absolutely look gorgeous!


Danke, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.